

A little cheat note with all the contents ;) Don´t forget to review stuff from previews terms


·         Vocabulary
1.       Multi-word verbs (p. 92&138)
 2.       Prepositions (p. 96) 
3.       Adjs. of feeling (p. 102&138)
4.       Personality adjs.
(p.110 & 139)
5.        Opinion adjs.(p. 111)
6.       Verb & Noun pairs (p.118, 139)
7.        Exp. about sleep( p. 119)
·         Grammar
1.        Be going to (p. 93)
2.       Must (p. 95)
3.       First Conditional (p. 101)
4.       When and If (p. 102)
5.       Should/ shouldn´t (p. 109)
6.       What´s it like? (p.111)
7.        Present perfect (p. 117)


·         Review
1.       Present simple (p. 13)
2.       Past simple (p. 29, 30 & 37)
3.       Have to (p. 45)
4.       Comparative & Superlative adjs. (p. 61 & 63)
5.       Will (p. 77)
6.       Housework (p. 23)
7.       Multi-word verbs (p. 31)
8.       Sports (p. 38)
9.       Jobs (p. 46, 49, 136)
10.    Food (p. 53, 136)
11.    Holiday activities (p. 71, 137)
12.    The weather (p. 86)

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